Telegram Stories Kini Tersedia untuk Pengguna Premium

ARTIKEL TERKAIT, Jakarta – Telegram akhirnya merilis fitur Stories, tetapi tidak semua pengguna bisa mendapatkannya. Telegram Stories yang mirip seperti di WhatsApp ini hanya berlaku untuk pengguna premium atau berbayar saja.

Sebelumnya CEO Pavel Durov menjelaskan kalau Stories akan tersedia di bulan Juli 2023. Janji tersebut ditepati dengan telah tersedianya Stories di Telergam.

Hanya saja, Stories tidak bisa diakses oleh semua pengguna seperti yang ada di WhatsApp, Instagram atau Facebook. Melainkan hanya tersedia untuk pengguna premium yang memiliki keuntungan mengakses banyak fitur dibandingkan pengguna biasa.

Dikutip Telset dari Engadget pada Minggu (23/07/2023), Telegram Stories memiliki sejumlah perbedaan dibandingkan WhatsApp Stories. Misalnya saja, Telegram memberikan opsi untuk membagikan Stories ke semua orang, hanya kontak dengan pengecualian, beberapa kontak terpilih, atau daftar teman dekat.

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Lalu Stories akan mendukung teks, serta foto dan video yang diambil oleh kamera depan dan belakang secara bersamaan.

Berbeda dengan WhatsApp Stories yang bisa bertahan selama 24 jam setelah diposting, pengguna bisa mengatur durasi posting selama 6, 12, 24, atau 48 jam sesuai keinginan. Cerita bisa ditampilkan secara permanen di profil, dengan pengaturan privasi individual untuk masing-masing.

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Bagi pengguna yang tertarik untuk mencoba fitur cerita di Telegram bisa berlangganan premium dengan mengeluarkan uang sebanyak  USD 4.99 atau Rp 75.000 per bulan. Belum diketahui apakah nantinya fitur ini akan tersedia untuk semua pengguna. [NM/IF]


  1. There has been a recent surge in the production of erotic fiction on the Indian literary landscape. This can be attributed to the increasing acceptance of sexuality as a topic for conversation, as well as the expanding impact of the internet and worldwide popular culture. Writers have recently begun to push the boundaries of acceptable tales by delving into more explicit subject matter, such as longing, love, and closeness in relationships.

  2. One of the most well-established uses of marijuana for therapeutic purposes is in the management of pain. Chronic pain, which affects millions of people and becomes more common as people become older, responds rather well to this treatment, despite the fact that it is not strong enough to alleviate severe pain, such as the agony experienced after surgery or when a bone is shattered. The fact that it is significantly less addictive than opiates contributes to its attractiveness. It also has a lower risk of causing a deadly overdose, and it can be used as an alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil for persons who are unable to use NSAIDs owing to health conditions such as ulcers, GERD, or kidney damage.

  3. The relationship between India, a country that is rich in culture, history, and variety, and erotic writing is complex and nuanced. Sexuality and sensuality have been an essential component of India’s artistic, intellectual, and spiritual manifestations for countless generations. The Kama Sutra is one example of an old text that attests to the tolerant perspective on sexuality that existed in earlier times. Nevertheless, as a consequence of the Victorian morality that was imposed on the colonies by the British and the strict social norms that prevailed at the time, the topic of eroticism was frequently considered to be taboo. However, similar to other aspects of life, change is unavoidable, and erotic literature in India is not an exception to this rule.

  4. Marijuana, which is often referred to as cannabis, has a lengthy history of use by humans, reaching all the way back to early civilizations. On the other hand, in the context of current times, it is the medical virtues of the plant that have brought it back into the public eye.

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